Independent Living Wellness
We’re among the most proactive Active Adult Communities in Marietta, GA.
The best elder care starts with preventative care.
Even if you are Independent with few if any ailments we all can be in better shape physically. It’s all about preventative care at this stage and since most Independent residents are not in optimal shape when they move in, having the Sterling Way Wellness Center on campus eliminates a huge impediment to exercising on a consistent basis. Our 5,000 sq. ft. center, with its indoor heated therapeutic saltwater pool and complete suite of exercise equipment and space, enables our residents, with the help of our trained staff, to receive those benefits of better health and wellbeing.
A personalized preventive health regime means you’re less prone to debilitating falls, heart and circulation issues and better able to handle stress and care for yourself. You’re less likely to develop dementia and more likely to stay engaged in physical, social, and intellectual pursuits. Simply said, you just feel and look better.
We have so much that we’d like to offer you at Sterling Estates of East Cobb. Maybe it’s time to come in and discuss your particular health or senior care needs. It’s all part of a Sterling Life in Marietta, GA. Click here to contact us online or call (678) 946-4454.